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Fagus sylvatica

Graceful and majestic. As a solitary tree, Fagus sylvatica (beech) is beautifully branched and wide-growing; a monumental tree in a landscape or park garden.

In a group, the smooth grey-coloured trunks rise from the ground like stately pillars and you imagine yourself in a natural cathedral.

Fagus sylvatica trunk with organically pruned crown
H 900/1000 W 300/350
Fagus sylvatica solitair
H 800/900 W 800/900
Careful root preparation is a priority when transplanting mature specimens.

Fagus is a true classic in topiary pruning. In autumn, the autumn colour of Fagus sylvatica produces magnificent pictures.

Low sunlight turns the yellow-brown autumn colouring into an almost golden glow. Depending on the tree and location, the discoloured leaves can remain on the tree until spring.

Fagus sylvatica characterful shrub
H 300/350 W 350/400
Fagus sylvatica ball
H 150/200 W 200/250
Fagus sylvatica savanna tree
H 750/800 W 500/550
Fagus sylvatica natural standard
H 700/800 W 350/400
Fagus sylvatica multistem
H 700/800 W 600/700
Fagus sylvatica standard
H 600/700 W 500/600
Fagus sylvatica topiary with old trunk
H 350/400 W 500/550
Fagus sylvatica in pot – spring scene
Fagus sylvatica in pot – winter scene
Low sunlight turns the yellow-brown autumn colouring into an almost golden glow.
The brown leaves provide colour in winter and can remain on the plant until spring.
The Fagus is a true classic in topiary.